This has to be the most juggling a woman can do – working while
breastfeeding. Some women are lucky enough to have their babies brought into
the work place or work from home for them to continue breastfeeding. Some women
need to express to continue giving their child breastmilk while at work.
However you work out our day, know that by persevering and continuing to
breastfeed your child you are providing them (and yourself) with so many
benefits – well done Mummy!
Firstly, supply=demand. As your baby feeds at your breast
he/she is telling your body to make more. So it follows, that if baby doesn’t
suck at the breast as often, your supply will decrease. This is where
expressing comes in. Not only will whatever you yield be able to be given to
your baby in your absence, but expressing will tell your body to continue
making milk.
So how do you express?
First, if you are going back to work and expressing you will
need to invest in a good quality, electric breastpump. A double pump is better
as you can express both breasts at the same time. You can also rent breastpumps
from theAustralian Breastfeeding Association, some pharmacies and some
companies. When expressing, you need to pump for at least 20 minutes to get the
hormone response for a good yield (if this is not possible, any time is better
than none). Not every woman responds well to a pump, and a pump will never give
you as much as your baby is getting.
Here are some tips to increase the amount
you are expressing and to continuing your breastfeeding relationship beyond your return to work:
▪Pump in the morning. Your hormones mean your milk supply is
at its greatest from 2am to 6am. While waking up at 2am when your baby is
asleep may seem ridiculous, you will get more by expressing at that time.
Another option (as a lovely Mummy on my Facebook page Bellies, Births and Babies suggested) is to pump the left side while feeding your baby from the
right for the first feed of the day. This advice is excellent as it works
two-fold. Not only does it involve expressing in the morning when your supply
is at its highest, but you are taking advantage of all those lovely breastfeeding
hormones released by feeding your baby to express more from the other side.
▪Pump when your baby would usually feed. If your baby would usually feed at 2pm and you
are at work, try to fit in an expressing session then.
▪Breastfeed more when you can. It is logical that is your
baby is getting most of their breastfeeds in while you are available, then
he/she will ask for milk less when you are absent. So when you get home, feed
and feed and feed. Feed before work and feed when you get home. Give your baby
unlimited access to your breast particularly at night and on your days off.
Many mothers find that bed sharing with their babies gives them all the rest
their body needs, whilst allowing their baby to feed frequently throughout the
night, thus asking for less milk during the day. Look here for advise on safe bed sharing practices
▪Keep your baby close. Lots of skin-to-skin, baby wearing
and taking baths together. This is signalling to your body to keep making milk.
Bed sharing or co-sleeping (where bub is in their own bed in your room, near
your bad) also keeps your baby close.
▪Take baby with you when you pump. This may seem illogical,
but what I mean is take things that remind you of your baby when you express.
Take yesterday’s wrap and drape it over yourself. The smell will help you to
express (if you put it over your head it can help you block out external
stimuli and relax). Look at some photos on your phone. Take a video on your
phone of your baby breastfeeding, or making their adorable “I’m Hungry Mum”
noises and play it while expressing. Play music when you breastfeed your baby
and repeat the same music when expressing.
▪Make sure your pump works for you. If the flange is too
small or too big, if won’t work as effectively. Start off with the let-down
function (short, rapid bursts) for a minute or two, and then switch to the
long, drawn out function. You may need to do this a few times during a session.
The suction should be comfortable and NOT painful. Obviously, you need to feel
the pull, but it should always be comfortable. It may take some experimenting to
find which setting works best for you.
▪Try breast compressions while expressing – this can
increase your yield.
▪Make sure you are comfortable. This may seem obvious, but
trying to relax and be calm whilst reclining in a comfy chair will go a long
way to helping you express.
▪See a naturopath, chiropractor or acupuncturist. Natural
therapies (particularly a naturopath) will go a long way towards maintaining
your supply. There are tonics available online which are good, but a customised
tonic from your naturopath will be better. Be careful with online products as
not all herbs used to increase supply are considered safe to use during
pregnancy, so if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy be cautious.
▪Get your boss on board. Try to get your employer interested
in becoming accredited as a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace. It may seem like a trivial thing, but your employer is more likely to attract
women of childbearing years to their company and retain their employment with
accreditation. Women are more likely to return to the workforce when they know
their parenting commitments are respected and supported. Win-win!
▪Ensure you know about the safe collection, storage and
transportation of breastmilk. You pump and bottles need to be cleaned thoroughly
using hot, soapy water, and then rinsed with clean hot water. Store in a
container cleaned with the same method. You do not need to ‘sterilise’ your
breastpump – although can if you really want to.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has great information
about storage and transport for healthy babies (for babies in the Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit, refer to their hospitals guidelines).
▪Make sure your baby’s carer (whether it be Dad, Grandma or
a day care centre) knows how to handle and use breastmilk safely. It is liquid
gold, and should be treated accordingly. To ensure they don’t waste your precious
milk (or put unused milk back in the fridge for later) it might be an idea to
send bags with small amounts of 20mL’s so careers can simply heat up what bub
needs without wasting the rest. This also helps ensure careers don’t overfeed
your baby (with the continuous flow from a bottle and the mentality that he/she
must finish the bottle this is a real possibility) as you want your baby taking
most of his/her milk feeds from your breasts.
Print and give them this handout
▪Ask for help. Your partner, midwife, mother, sister,
friend, work colleagues and the Australian Breastfeeding Association are all
able to help and support you.
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Congratulations of breastfeeding your precious baby and
enjoy the journey.
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