Not much is known about Upper Lip Tie’s – try
Googling it. Basically, it is like a cousin of Tongue Tie. An Upper Lip Tie -
or Maxillary Labial Frenulum - is when
the upper lip is abnormally attaches to the upper gum (sometimes extending as
far as the hard palate). It is also possible to have a Lower Lip Tie.
A Tongue
Tie – or Ankyloglossia - is where the
tongue is abnormally attached to the floor of the mouth. All can cause big
feeding issues for the newborn baby.
Basically, if any of these symptoms are
present, the health care professional should assess for the presence of an
Upper Lip Tie and Tongue Tie;
◦Nipple pain during and after Breastfeeds
◦Nipple Damage – cracking, bleeding, looking
flattened when baby comes off, presence of a line or mark on the nipple
indicating shallow attachment
◦Apparent shallow suck
◦Apparent ‘good’ attachment that still feels painful
or not right for Mum
◦Top lip doesn’t flange out when attached to the
◦Baby makes clicking noise when feeding
◦Milk escapes out of corners of baby’s mouth
◦Signs of decreased breast emptying – baby not
gaining weight adequately, low supply or over supply and engorgement, etc.
◦Baby’s tongue not extendable over lower gum
◦Mum saying it ‘doesn’t feel right’.
For bottle-feeding babies, many of these symptoms
will still be present – shallow suck, bottle falling our of baby’s mouth,
clicking noises, milk exceping, etc.
Assessment for Upper Lip Tie and Tongue Tie can be
easily attended during the Newborn Assessment attended by Midwives after birth.
Look into the baby’s mouth and lift the top lip. Feel under the baby’s tongue
with a gloved index finger. Dr. Kotlow (based in the USA) has described the
process very well with excellent pictures of what to look for here
Don’t assume these checks have been done - if any of the above symptoms are present, check again.
The following is a list of great resources regarding
Upper Lip Tie and Tongue Tie. Especially useful is the articles contained on
Dr. Kotlow’s website. I have used information from these sites in writing this
article. Another place to find more information and support from parents is the
Tongue Tie Babies Support Group on Facebook
As always, no one knows your baby better that you.
If a health care professional tells you nothing is wrong but you feel there is
– ask someone else and keep asking until you are heard.
♥ Bec
Upper Lip Tie - Part 2 -
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